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Roses Bouquet Lemon Yellow

Roses Bouquet Lemon Yellow

Roses in Yellow Around 18 to 20 pieces of roses in yellowSuggested purpose: Expression of Love as a friend, Appreciation, Birthday, Anniverary. Some people may use yellow roses for rejection of love or apology. Still it would be a great bouquet for someone who simply loves yellow roses as they are.黃玫瑰花束 16-20朵建議用途:致歉/道歉/拒絕/表達關切/感激/祝福/道賀/生日/迎生,儘管有些人認為黃玫瑰有拒絕或道歉的意思,但是我們認為送給喜歡黃色或黃玫瑰的她是不用太多忌諱。 *Please understand that prices during the festival periods may change. The increase could be between 15% to 20%.Please confirm the prices with the customer service.
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