99朵玫瑰花配心形禮盒 羽美花藝UmateFloral>99 Red Roses in heart shaped box
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99朵紅玫瑰心形禮盒裝 Rose in heart shaped box

99朵紅玫瑰心形禮盒裝 Rose in heart shaped box






99 pieces of red roses.

Delivered in box with elegant packages 

Suggested purpose: Best for romance, proposal or anniversary celebration or birthday , expression of deep love


*Please understand that prices during the festival periods may change. 

The increase could be between 15% to 20%.

Please confirm the prices with the customer service.

*請理解在節日前後,花價會有一定程度的上調,一般為15% 至 20% 不等。如有需要,請與本店確認價錢。


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